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Sunday, 14 June 2015

Old Age Health - Problems and Solutions

Old age problems may occur from the age of 40, but it all depends on the overall health of a person in youth. Happy young people can grow happy in old age, but it is one of the hardest truths to believe that life does not give a chance. Its heaviest bounces reverse back in old age. The loss of friend, family and loved ones leave people behind alone and this loneliness can cause much depression in old age. Anyhow, in this article, we will discuss in detail the problems, troubles and tribulation and solutions of old age physical and mental health.
As age grows, many physical problems begin to appear like muscle pain, arthritis, bowl syndrome, gout, prostate, heart problems, hypertension, overweight, asthma, bone weakness, osteoporosis, foot problems, dementia, diabetes, sleep disturbances, sight, hearing and speaking difficulty are common ailments of age. In order to minimize the risks of having these problems, one should adopt regular physical activity, which is not only safe and sound but also enjoyable. It will keep your body fit and have check on your weight. Regular checkup is highly necessary and inevitable in old age problems. It is important to note here that you should get to know neighbors numbers and keep the security system intact if you are living alone. Get a list of emergency numbers with you and keep them handy.
In order to handle a patient with heart problem, you should adopt serious precautionary measures. Regular visits to doctor and proper taking care of a patient is highly required. You can also get information from Internet and can ask your doctor about how serious the problem is and how to cope up with it easily. Take complete diet plan and exercise schedule from your doctor.
If you have prostate problem, you should visit the doctor on regular basis, as it is high irritating problem, which starts with urination problem. But right diagnosis at right time can keep you safe from major malignancy in prostate. Follow all instructions of doctor carefully.
The Bowl Syndrome is another problem, which is frequently complaint by many people in old age. If you are having this problem, you should avoid certain fruits which can cause it aggravated like watermelon, orange, mango. So consult your doctor before taking these fruits and follow all advises given by your physician.
Diabetes is considered the silent killer as it keeps on damaging internal organs of the patient silently so proper intake of insulin is a must. Try to control your sugar level with exercise and diet. Avoid sweet food, confectionary and deep-fried food. It is impertinent to note here that physical health cannot be achieved without taking healthy diet.
Physical health is as important as mental health. Rather more appropriate to say is to be healthy fit requires healthy brain and mind. Any disturbance or tension can directly lead to physical illness. So it is highly important to maintain mental health along with physical health. Depression is the major cause of all disease in today's world. Many people do fall into depression but they don't know it. The most common symptoms of depression are restlessness, change in behavior, loss of appetite, and feelings of being guilty. If you are having any of the above problems, contact your doctor as early as possible. Take part in mental activities like chess etc and keep yourself happy and tension less.

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